Lathering Instructions
Here are some videos and helpful suggestions: the videos were made by my customers and I want to thank them for sharing their expertise so generously here.
I chose to make my shaving soap with no coconut oil or coconut fatty acids because some of my customers are allergic to coconut oil. Saponified coconut oil makes quick lather, but my soap lathers too - it just takes a little bit more patience. The reward is great skin care and post-shave feel. In 2016, after extensive testing with customers all over the country, I began adding a little citric acid to my shaving soap as a chelating agent, which makes it easier to lather soap in hard water. Also, although my soap performs well in cool, tepid, and warm water, hot scuttles and overly hot water will cause the lather to break down.
Here are some videos and helpful suggestions: the videos were made by my customers and I want to thank them for sharing their expertise so generously here.
I chose to make my shaving soap with no coconut oil or coconut fatty acids because some of my customers are allergic to coconut oil. Saponified coconut oil makes quick lather, but my soap lathers too - it just takes a little bit more patience. The reward is great skin care and post-shave feel. In 2016, after extensive testing with customers all over the country, I began adding a little citric acid to my shaving soap as a chelating agent, which makes it easier to lather soap in hard water. Also, although my soap performs well in cool, tepid, and warm water, hot scuttles and overly hot water will cause the lather to break down.
How to Face Lather Mystic Water Shaving SoapHow to Lather Mystic Water Shaving Soap in a Mug
With thanks to TheVez2 for his great videos!
Thank you, Nathan, for this very helpful video!
Lathering advice from the experts...
A tutorial provided by my customers
1. Press the soap down in your container to avoid having a gap between the soap puck and the sides of the tub. It is semi-soft so it is easy to do. This prevents the puck from moving and assists lathering. 2. Soak your shaving brush in warm water for at least a couple minutes. (Optional): While your brush is soaking, place a teaspoon or two of water on top of the soap to help soften it. 3. Give your brush a few shakes or a gentle squeeze to get most - but not all - of the water out of the brush. You will be adding water back into the soap mix later, but if the brush is too dry it won't be able to pick up soap at all so please experiment to discover what works best with your brush. I have been told that badger brushes with some backbone, and synthetic brushes work best, but this is probably an individual taste thing. 4. Pour the excess water off the soap, then take your brush to the soap and begin to swirl, loading soap on the brush until a thick creamy lather fills the brush. If your lather is watery or thin with many visible bubbles at this point, you either have not loaded enough soap or have too much water in your brush. Be patient! Keep loading the brush until you reach the creamy stage. 5. Take the loaded brush to your bowl (or face) and begin swirling gently and calmly. Once the lather looks uniformly thick, add a few drops of water either manually (by dripping a few drops of water into the brush or your bowl) or by dipping the very tips of the brush into the water. 6. Continue calmly swirling until the water is fully incorporated and the lather has no visible bubbles. If more water is required, do the same thing again, each time incorporating the water fully before adding more, until your lather reaches the desired thickness. 7. To really make your lather pop, once it reaches the desired thickness on your face, use side to side (or up and down) paint brush type strokes with your brush. In a short time you will be rewarded with a thick slick lather that will give you a close, comfortable shave. |
Michael Ham, author of "Leisureguy's Guide to Gourmet Shaving", says that his technique for Mitchell's Wool Fat soap works very well for mine as well.
Mystic Water Soap™
4716 Riverdale Rd. Riverdale Park, MD 20737 Tel: (240) 828-5833 Email: [email protected] This site: General website: |
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